July 25, 2020 7:00 pm

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, July 26, 2020⁠
Sunday Mass and Gospel Reflection
Fr. Salvator M. Stefula, T.O.R.⁠

My sisters and brothers in Christ,

It’s hard to believe that the month of July is coming to an end. Perhaps we are asking ourselves—where has the time gone? There are still many issues and concerns that we are facing. The Corona Virus is still with us, new regulations on wearing masks or some face covering, positive and negative opinions about sending our children back to school or virtual learning and there are still those who don’t seem to be taking this pandemic very seriously. Our Scriptures these past several weeks have encouraged us to not give up but to go forward trusting that the Lord is with us and will not abandon us. It reminds us how important our Faith is, especially during difficult times. Our first reading is taken from the Book of Kings. King David died about 970 years before Christ. His son, Solomon, became the new King of Israel. Our first reading is Solomon’s prayer as he begins his reign. He is praying for an understanding heart so he will reign well. Of all the gifts he could have asked for, he valued wisdom more than anything else. This is why we hear the phrase—the Wisdom of Solomon. God’s commands guide us to wisdom. Let us allow Wisdom, one of the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, to guide us during these turbulent times.

God bless you and keep you safe.

(Please follow the link to our parish website to view Sunday’s Mass ONLINE.)
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